Lawyer terbaik

"bad lawyer will promise you heaven, but you will never get it. Good lawyer will tell you hell and accompany you through it"

Profesionalism & Excellent Quality

IUS EST ARS BONI et Aequi" (Hukum adalah seni atau kecakapan dalam menerapkan Kebaikan)

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About Us

The word BONAFIDE itself is taken from Latin which means "Can be trusted because it has good goals, intentions". Meanwhile, the writing in red ink on the word BONAFIDE shows courage, which is accompanied by wisdom and justice as the symbol of the Goddess of Justice (gold in color) looks towards the words BONAFIDE Law Office.

The aim of establishing BONAFIDE Law Office is to meet the needs of every individual and/or corporation (client) in obtaining assistance, assistance and excellent legal services (trustworthy, courageous and mature) in terms of clients obtaining justice.

How Can We Help You

Area Of Practice

Agraria / Pertanahan (Agrarian)

(Legal Services regarding agrarian and land matters.) Layanan Hukum seputar agraria dan pertanahan.

Kepailitan (Bankruptcy)

(Bankruptcy and Postponement of Debt Payment Obligations / Restructuring.) Kepailitan / Restrukturisasi Utang

Humum Pidana (Criminal Law)

(General and special criminal case services such as: Embezzlement/in office, Fraud, Forgery of documents, etc.), Special

Tata Hukum Perdata (Civil Law)

(We provide general and special civil legal services such as: Default, Unlawful Actions, Special Civil Laws

Commercial Litigation

(We assist with legal cases related to Commercial Law, Litigation/Arbitration/Dispute Resolution.) Bantuan perkara hukum Komersial Litigasi/

Tata Usaha Negara (State Administration)

(Legal Services covering State Administrative Disputes) Layanan Hukum yang meliputi Sengketa Tata Usaha Negara  

What People Say

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Call us 24/7 at (888)123-4567 or fill out the form.

BONAFIDE Law Office is here to provide protection, legal certainty and also solve legal problems that clients face comprehensively. BONAFIDE Law Office is here to provide protection, legal certainty and also solve legal problems that clients face comprehensively and completely. comprehensively until complete.

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